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Decision D-2019-04-LA

In the framework of a change of stockholders at Brussels Airport Company, the Regulatory Body issued on 13rd November 2019 a decision confirming the automatic renewal of the operating licence of Brussels Airport. This decision can be found here (in French only).

Economic equilibrium test

Since January 11, 2019 the economic equilibrium test has been introduced in the Belgian legislation. The Regulatory Body has been mandated, whenever there is a request, to perform this test. As foreseen in the European legislation (Implementing Act 2018/1795), the...

Organisational & decisional separation inside the SNCB

Belgian and European legislation provide some provisions which impose an obligation for train operators which hold a dominant position on the national market, to clearly separate organisational and decisional activities related to transport of passengers from those...

Decision D-2019-01-S concerning the appeal of Railtraxx related to the safety procedure S460 On the 28th of February 2019 the Regulatory Body took Decision D-2019-01-S, related to the appeal of railway undertaking Railtraxx concerning the safety procedure S460 used by...
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