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Decision D-2015-06-LA regarding the operation of General Aviation at Brussels Airport. (Dutch only).


Brussels Airport: disagreement about the final tariff proposal (8/6/2015) After ending the tariff consultations at Brussels Airport for the next period 2016-2021, the Regulatory Body received several appeals against the final tariff proposal (tariff system and formula...


Decision no D-2015-04-S of 20 April 2015 concerning the methodology for cost allocation, as introduced by the infrastructure manager Infrabel. (Dutch and French only).


The Regulatory Body communicated recently about its role during the tariff consultations at Brussels Airport. In order to safeguard all interests of all parties, the Regulatory Body considered not to interact actively with any participant of the consultations and to...


Decision no D-2014-03-S of 17 December 2014 regarding the methodology for attribution of cast by the infrastructure manager Infrabel. (Dutch and French only). This decision was on 14 January 2015 published in the Belgian Official Gazette.
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