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Decision D-2017-07-LA regarding the intermediate tariff modification for the regulated period of April 1st, 2016 – March 31st , 2021, as proposed by Brussels Airport Company on July 19th, 2017. On the 14thof December 2017, the Regulatory Body issued its decision...


Decision D-2017-06-LA regarding the bringing into force of charges at Brussels Airport.On September 6th, 2017 the Regulatory Body issued a provisional decision on the airport charges changed by licensee Brussels Airport Company as from November 1st, 2017. The...


Airport – Communication regarding the intervention of the regulator during the tariff consultations (19/05/2017) During the last tariff consultation meeting with the users, some of them raised the question if contacting the Regulatory Body directly would be possible....

Appeal against D-2015-11-S

Within de framework of Infrabel’s appeal against Decision D-2015-11-S of the Regulatory Service about the adaptation of the tariff ‘Your Shunts’, the Court of Appeal issued a decision on November 30th 2016. The Court judged the appeal unfounded and...


Decision D-2016-03-LA regarding the refusal of the bussing charge at Brussels Airport. The refusal as introduced by EasyJet was considered to be unfounded. The bussing charge as proposed by BAC can enter into force definitely on April 1, 2016. (Dutch and French...
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