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Advise A-2021-03-S with regard to the proposal for an excess rate

Rail transport

On July 6, 2021, the Regulatory Body published his opinion A-2021-03-S with regard to the proposal of an excess rate. This opinion on a new tariff structure for rail bundles (train formation and shunting yards) was requested by Infrabel.  Because tariffs and the underlying products are related and cannot simply be uncoupled, the Regulatory Body […]


Notification of a new rail passenger service Ostend-Prague/Warsaw and Warsaw/Prague-Ostend

Rail transport

On April 21, 2021, the Regulatory Body received a notification from “European Sleeper Coöperatie“ of a new rail passenger service for the Ostend-Prague/Warsaw and Warsaw/Prague-Ostend routes. This notification relates to access to the Belgian railway network and was submitted pursuant to the candidate’s obligation to inform the Regulatory Body, in accordance with both Belgian and […]


D-2021-03-S regarding the rail passenger service “Brussels-South – Innsbruck”

Rail transport

The Regulatory Body has received a notification of a planned rail service “Brussels-South – Innsbruck” (D-2021-03-S) from the candidate Ostende-Vienne-Orient-Experience. On the basis of the information provided and after analysis, the Regulatory Body has decided that the notified rail passenger service does not fall within the scope of the legislation on the economic equilibrium test. […]


D-2021-02-S regarding the rail passenger service “Italia-Express”

Rail transport

The Regulatory Service has received a notification of a planned rail service “Brussels-South – Milan” (D-2021-02-S) from the candidate Ostende-Vienne-Orient-Experience. On the basis of the information provided and after analysis, the Regulatory Body has decided that the notified rail passenger service does not fall within the scope of the legislation on the economic equilibrium test. […]


Opinion A-2021-02-S Capacity agreement

Rail transport

On 29 October 2020, Infrabel asked the Regulatory Body for an opinion on the capacity agreement. This request for an opinion concerned specifically the obligation for the non-railway undertaking candidates to have their liability covered by an insurance contract. On March 9, 2021, the Regulatory Body issued the opinion called “opinion no. A-2021-02-S capacity agreement”. […]


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