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Decision D-2016-05-S – Reasonable time limit to respond to requests by railway undertakings for access to, and supply of services in passenger stations. On 12th of May 2016 the Regulatory Body set the reasonable time limit to respond to requests by railway...


On April 22, 2016 the Regulatory Body issued its decision on the mission of control regarding the procedure for capacity allocation “train paths”.


Decision D-2016-03-LA regarding the refusal of the bussing charge at Brussels Airport. The refusal as introduced by EasyJet was considered to be unfounded. The bussing charge as proposed by BAC can enter into force definitely on April 1, 2016. (Dutch and French...


On 22 February 2016 the Regulatory Body received from the arbiter at Infrabel a contestation by NMBS regarding the imputation of delay. As prescribed by the legislation the Regulatory Body issued its decision D-2016-02-C regarding the imputation of the contested delay...


Decision D-2016-01-LA regarding the provisionary entry into force of the bussing charge at Brussels Airport. (Dutch only)


Decision D-2015-12-LA of November 3, 2015 regarding the modification of the tariff system and the formula for tariff control for the regulated period 1/4/2016-31/3/2021 as finally proposes by Brussels Airport Company. (Dutch only)
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